It’s been a very ‘eventful’ period for me. I got a mail on Monday from someone
contemplating suicide. By the end of the week, two other suicidal cases have been mailed in
and at least four people struggling with depression. All of these are below 40 years
and frustrated with life! In all of my encounters and discussions, I discovered that
most people don’t LET OUT STEAM. There are simple ways to deal with everyday
issues. Here are a few suggestions.
- Let go of offences, grudges, and bitterness. Even if the person doesn’t apologize or
accept that they wrong you. LET IT GO! - BE HAPPY! Let nobody’s actions and reactions determine your happiness or your
mood. Take charge of your emotions and your space. OWN YOUR HAPPINESS! - Let go of things you can’t control or things you can’t handle. You can’t solve every
of the problem you are confronted with, SOMETIMES IT’S BEST TO JUST WALK
. - GET HELP WHEN AND IF NECESSARY. When you can’t help yourself, admit
it and get help. Sometimes we ALL get HELPLESS, so you are not alone. ASKING
ARE SMART. - BE CONTENT. Learn to live within YOUR MEANS. If you cannot pay for it,
don’t buy it. I have had an awful experience buying something on credit. It’s A
KILLER! - FORGIVE!!!! I struggled with ulcers and related illnesses at a time and was surprised
how forgiving quickly and worrying less about people’s action affects my health and
how I heal quickly from some ailments. - Make time to JUST HAVE FUN. We often get too consumed with what is not
working and things we don’t have instead of being grateful for the little have while
expecting God for more. You have enough to keep you happy, so be thankful. - Learn to laugh. I was married to a comedian, so there was always something to
laugh about. Aside from that, sometimes I deliberately tune to a sitcom channel JUST
TO LAUGH! It’s healthy. - Positively and creatively distract yourself. Life is too short to get stuck doing the
same thing always. Learn something new, meet new people, and go to places you haven’t
been. It doesn’t have to be abroad. I love cooking, so trying new recipes is an amazing
distraction for me. - Serve God and people. THERE’S JOY IN SERVICE! I provide emotional and
spiritual counselling for free sometimes. There’s joy in seeing and knowing that these
people triumph over issues. It’s not hard, just being nice and doing to others what you
want them to do to you. SERVE GOD! Everything is hinged on this. Life is
meaningless without a service to God. Beyond being born again. BE AN EXAMPLE
10b. PRAY – A simple prayer can take care of a lot of issues. JUST SAY IT TO HIM
10c. THE WORD! You want to know how powerful you are and your true identity in
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